The FIRST Robotics Global Challenge (FGC), known as the "Olympics of Robotics," is an international competition for 14-18 year olds that takes place every year. The competition builds robots through team collaboration, and uses robot simulation to solve global environmental problems in the competition. The competition was held in Singapore under the theme "The Age of Hydrogen". The competition requires participants to combine knowledge and skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, assemble robots using a unified robot kit, and program robots to simulate and solve problems related to the use of hydrogen energy in a future world.
The nine players of the Chinese team, Pan Yuanzhao, Li Zhou, Yang Ziwei, Huang Shengyang, Feng Zifan, Fan Yiting, Wu Qianxun, Forget Pinwei and Rui Chenxuan, are from Beijing No. 11 School, Beijing Normal University Affiliated High School and Haidian Kaiwen High School. In the four-day competition, the Chinese team achieved a complete qualifying record, completed a stunning comeback in the semifinals, and showed superb level in the final to win the title. At the same time, the team also won the "Zhang Heng Engineering Design Award" again after 2019, which aims to recognize the best robot design scheme of the competition.